Lastly bought all around to setting up my LED tail lights yesterday, and done it up now. I imagine I'll do a little write-up and post some pictures since I'm completely hung over at this time.
I had purchased a number of LED's from Harbor Freight, however made a decision I required something else.
Crappy thing is, if they showed up they did not seem like the ones in the images, they are a lttle bit different, although I still liked them so I kept them.
You can see them here as well. I certainly like the look of extra LED's.
Install Conclusion...
1. Tape
2. Mark - I made use of a format that I printed out in AutoCAD.
3. Drill a hole for the saw blade
4. Cut - My cheep HF jig saw previously worked good. Cutting was very straightforward.
The toughest part in relation to the following was that I decided to take out the tail gate and hinges to supply me more room for the saw. HOWEVER, of course, one among the Torx bolts got stripped, I drilled it out, tried to quick-out it, the bit broke interior... I cursed plenty. Oh well, I ultimately got it out this morning, just utilized my dremel and notched a position in it, and insured it out with a big flat head screwdriver.
5. Grind smooth - Used my dremel to smooth out the cut.
6. Drill mounting holes.
7. Wiring - This is always the "fun" part, but it all went well.
Red----Black/Green---Brake / Blinker
Black------White-------Tail Light
N/A-----White/Black-----Back-up (scroll down to see back-up lights post)
On the driver side there is a black wire on the receiving end of the factory plug, so I was able to use it as ground. There is not one on the passenger side, so I grounded the lighting to the fender.
That’s with regards to it for my "write-up"... I will most likely return and expand on some things.
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